Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Time and a place

“Every day for the last year, with a few exceptions I have a standing 7:30am appointment with God and I have kept it. I don’t take any calls, but i do keep a pad of paper handy so that if something work-related suddenly invades my mind, I can make a quick note and get back to my silent conversations with God. What worked was that I finally began to take time with the Lord personally - a personal meeting with a real person. I decided to treat Jesus like a person by spending regular time with Him. It’s been the best year of my life, bar none. For me, I have to have a time and a place set aside.” Every Man pg. 135 -136

I must say the emphasis of the daily “Quiet Time” has been a point of contention in my heart throughout my journey.
One part of my heart reasons that Jesus longs to have a relationship with us where we are not obligated or under church law to spend time with him alone but actually WANT to do so.
How excited would Natalie be if I said... “Here’s some flowers, I heard it’s what husbands are meant to do so that's the only reason I got them. Oh, and I guess i need to also take you on a date every now and then too.”

The other side of my reasoning says we as men have a tendency to gravitate away from intimacy, especially with the Lord and so without setting up a consistent place and time with Him we will always maintain a “safe” distance from Him and never truly grow our souls.
I heard someone once say “Just keep showing up” and I believe that is just what we as men sometimes need. Making a time and place to keep showing up with Jesus would ensure even in the times when our circumstances or excuses get the better of us, we still find our way to His presence.

I like many of you have mastered the “how to do things for God” but I can’t wait for us to grow and learn more how to simple just “be” in His presence.



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